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Architect: MICHAEL KINLAW, c. 1970.

A muscular composition in glass and cedar, 241 Bay Walk possesses one of the most animated façades in the Pines. The open plan is articulated with abrupt changes in height: tall expanses where one walks, contrasted with intimate realms for sitting. All are connected by a semicircular stair tower. This narrow, precarious space with open risers and no railings suggests that this is a house that wants to be touched. Other sensual features abound, like the space designed exclusively for growing orchids that is arrayed around a vast, sky-lit shower, partaking in its ambient humidity.

The home was designed by architect Michael Kinlaw as his personal residence. A low-slung in-law suite was added by the architect after the home’s completion. Upon selling the home in 1989, he expanded Horace Gifford’s early project at 491 Bay Walk, where he lived until his death in 1995. These are Kinlaw’s only known house projects, since he practiced at a larger scale in the office of Edward Durell Stone, ultimately serving as General Manager of the firm.

The flamboyant architecture of 241 Bay Walk was matched by its architect’s appearance. Edward Durell Stone’s son, Hicks Stone, fondly recalls encountering Kinlaw on the subway, “thin, tall, and handsome…resplendent in a peach-colored pants suit with a flowing white silk scarf and round, rose-colored sunglasses.”

Photos: Tom Sibley.

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